Ibrahim Alzoubi

Fab Academy 2020 - "How to make almost anything"

#10 Week

Invention, Intellectual Property and Income

For this week, I have to decide if I want to register my final project with a patent or license.

As a matter of fact, I do not want to record my project because I have always believed that science is a right for everyone and my project was not what I would have done except after I learned the set of skills and information that I acquired and learned during my career in the Fab Academy and that I see that leaving it Open source to those who wanted to amend it or even develop it is wonderful.
Knowledge abounds in participation, perhaps in the future. I will build new projects and register them and make them a source of investment, but at least not now because this project was to install and master the skills that I learned

Creative Commons Licenses

It is a non-profit organization that aims to expand the scope of creative works available to people to exploit and build upon in a manner consistent with the requirements of intellectual property laws. The organization has issued several intellectual property licenses known as Creative Commons licenses, which it seeks to promote for use, and which it wants to promote for the creators to use for free to license the intellectual works that you produce. These licenses enable authors to clarify the rights that they reserve for themselves over the work in question, and the rights they assign to the recipients or other authors, which by one page represent each party to the license in simple terms and iconic symbols, which is the “argument”. This simplicity in drafting distinguishes the Creative Commons license from others, and the structure of the license makes it easier for the original concepts for the author to specify the rights that he retains and which he assigns.

There are many types of license and the name of Creative Commons to give the users more option to protect their rights when they publish on the internet. For more information this is the offical website of CC The main types are:

I want people to participate in the ability to amend to develop on my project with a non-commercial purpose for the benefit of interest, therefore Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA). This is the logo of this license which I should put in my final projec


As mentioned at the beginning, I am not thinking of investing this project because it is my first project and it may not be a strong competitor in the market, but in the future I may develop it and add many other functions and turn it into a great investment opportunity